The Brand & Image

"Honey, don't worry about what he said/she said. Just thank them all for the free publicity..."
--Melanie Sanders
LuxeLife PR President/CEO
Former Manager/Assistant of NeNe Leakes
The public can be quite an intimidating force. Through effective communication and preparedness, working in the public eye and handling exposure can prove to be rewarding and successful. As a public relations practitioner, LuxeLife PR will "polish" your brand's natural appeal. From creative writing to public appearance training and management, LuxeLife, LLC not only works with your desires, but creates marketing initiatives that make your brand shine!
- Brand Development
- Marketing
- Social Media
- Advertisement Design & Deployment
- Pitch & Jingle Production
- Community Outreach
- Press Release, Mission Statement, Biography, Speech, Web Content Composition, Ghostwriting, Newsletter
Public Appearance Coaching
- Pageant Coaching
- Image Development & Consultation
- Crisis Management
- Mock Interviews
Management & Logistics
- Business/Artist
- Social Media
- Assistant Program
- Endorsement
- Appearance
- Booking
How Does PR Help My Brand or Business?
"PR" is as much a necessity as it is a luxury in the building of today's business and personal brand. LuxeLife PR specializes in "polishing" your brand and reaching audiences who will benefit. From creative writing to professional media and public appearance coaching, having a positive interaction and rapport with your public is what separates a good brand from an amazing brand.
Why LuxeLife PR?
It's sorta like meeting the perfect mate. They're smart, fun, attractive, experienced, well-traveled, educated, fearless, articulate and fearless. Everyone deserves that, however only a few are blessed to behold all of the above-- so you go for it. Well, meet LuxeLife PR! We are your perfect mate and we are so blessed to meet you!
Is LuxeLife PR expensive?
"My 'pick my brain' fee starts at $150 an hour. So, do you still want to pick my brain?"
--JeFreda R. Brown, CEO, MBA
Though this quote (that went viral on social media) made by my cousin, financial guru and MBA JeFreda R. Brown is not a specific price quote, it acts as a reminder that gaining access to expertise, intellectual property, and time is not a free service. Nor is the word cheap found in our "language of luxe" (smile). However, we believe in producing and delivering successful results for all clientele. LuxeLife PR understands the importance of public relations. We, as a brand, pride ourselves in giving our clientele access to the best. With this refresher, our public relations division is unafraid to talk money! You see, LuxeLife believes that public relations is a luxury and a necessity. Clients have the option to retain our services or hire as needed. We also allow an option to name your budget. We value our abilities and we strongly believe that you get what you pay for --prepare to invest in your fabulous future. We will be waiting with opened arms!
The PR Gallery